With ThunderMS getting larger day after day, we are also experiencing a noticeable increase in hackers.
We see ourselves forced to take strictor actions and to deal to deal severely with those who attempt to hack ThunderMS in any way, the following will be changed:
- Database checks, AP, SP, EXP every day.
- Users with an impossible amount mesos will be banned from the game.
- Users containing illegal items such as gm hats will be banned from the game.
- GMs checking active for hackers all around the game.
- All forms of hacking will result in a permanent ban.
Don't forget, hacking is illegal - excuses like ''I just did it once for fun!'' won't appeal at all. Any kind of hacking severely influences other players and ThunderMS in a negative way, and this cannot and will not be tolerated under no circumstances.
We need your help too! Report all the hackers you see here.
Thank You