Weekdays: 16:00 - 23:00 GMT+1
Weekends: 13:00 - 23:00 GMT+1
These aren't exact times, just to give you an idea.
Yea, common online times? exact times but give us the idea? My ass, its 16:00 GMT+1 now and server aint up and running yet. It was supposed to go online like 3 hours ago, but ye then again "Exact times, just to give us an idea"... Well my ass, this times aren't even giving us an idea 'cause it wont open?! 3 hours after and still not open? No information from Vince on what the heck he is doing. If it keeps going on like this you wont keep many players. Either stick to this common online times. I understand if its +/- 1 hour but its 3 freakin' hours and Im getting frustrated!
Change the darn times or tell us what you are doing! I keep wonder why you are top 3 on a top 200 site when the server aint even open when its supposed to -.-!